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November 14, 2015

Why A Chicken Wire Fence Could Be Your Garden’s Best Friend

Why A Chicken Wire Fence Could Be Your Garden’s Best Friend
November 14, 2015
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Sometimes the simplest add-on to your home garden can do a ton of awesome things
that you may have entirely overlooked at first. Take basic chicken wire fencing that you 
can find just about anywhere online on the cheap. It’s cost effective, easy to install and
has a myriad of benefits that it can offer to you with your green thumbing. We’ll examine
a few of the innate benefits that this cost effective medium can offer to gardeners. You
may be surprised at how much such a simple fencing solution can do for your garden.

Deterring Pests
Pests of all kinds target your garden because it’s an easy source of food, insects and
water. From birds to rabbits and nearly everything in between, your garden may as well
have a neon flashing sign that proclaims you are open for business and serving up food
around the clock. Not so fast pests – with a chicken wire fence protecting your enclave,
they’ll be at odds with how to enjoy partaking in your veggie feast.

Preventing Burrowing
The Human Society advises that you can use a chicken wire fence to “fence out 
burrowing pests.” Here’s the really cool part about this: you are not doing anything that
would cause harm to come to these little rodents. But you are effectively preventing
them from entering your pristine garden and snacking on your organic fares. And that’s
a really good thing.

Deflecting Flying Pests
Flying pests are an entirely different sort. It’s usually rather difficult to prevent them from
digging in on your crops. But here again the simplicity of the chicken wire fence saves
the day, literally. You can build a cage of sorts that surrounds your vegetation and
prevents flying pests from snacking on your crops. You can even alter sections to
accommodate for tall growing crops like corn or like vine crops.

Helping Vine Plants
With chicken wire fencing, you can literally forgo the traditional wooden vine setup.
Instead, you can let your vines grow on the fencing itself, building the top side to protect
your crops from flying pests simultaneously. Doing so is an easy way to group your
crops into one protective collective that is conducive to a healthier turnout with minimal
pest infestation.

Your Wallet Will Thank You
The best part about chicken wire is that it’s dirt cheap. Look it up online, the stuff goes
for peanuts. What this means is that you don’t have to do a lot of buying just to do a lot
of building. The low price also means that it’s not going to break the bank should you
want to upgrade and expand your garden at a later time. Being able to prevent annoying
pests from ruining your crops while operating on a bargain budget… well that’s a
something that we like to call priceless.

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